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Oct 29, 2022

Safe arrivals in in Belgium, India, Germany and Finland

Sent & Arrived in October
I can’t believe this postcard arrived in 20 days from Australia to Belgium. I am glad it made it safely, and excited to see where my next received cards arrive from in my letter box.  This month my postcards have already made it safely to (speedy 24 days, ave 36 days) India , (slow 38 days ,ave 22 days) Germany & (slow 47 days, ave 20 days) Finland.

Below is average days travel for each postcard sent overseas grouped by destination country.  Postal services vary in service from country to country as well as can be affected by covid and natural disasters. So, averages in 2022 vary from 20 to 169 days (which is over 5 months in transit). 

 I celebrate each postcard caught.  I don't want to disappoint the waiting post crosser so if it is not caught safely, I make sure to resend a postcard again to the same address so they don't miss out.

Received in 2022

Usually postcard arrive from the top few countries with the most post crossers: Germany, Finland, Holland or USA. I have never had a card from Africa so far. I would love a card from Italy or Wales or any place I know a little of the language.

A lot of post crossers are demanding and make specific requests for their post card collection, I love any but most excited when they are map or culture cards where I can learn more about the language, people or place.

Fingers crossed and checking my letter box daily for fun mail and not always bills lol.

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