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Nov 22, 2022

Journaling Challenge - introduce myself in different languages


  Ciao. Il mio nome è Heather. Vivo in Australia. Sono un insegnante. Vivo con mio marito mio figlio e il mio cane. Il suo nome è Billy. È grande e nero. Mi piace camminare e remare. Mi piace leggere. Mi piace provare cibi nuovi.


 Bonjour. Mon nom est Heather. Je vis en Australie. Je suis enseignant. Je vis avec mon mari, mon fils et mon chien. Il s'appelle Billy. Il est grand et noir. J'aime marcher et ramer. J'adore lire. J'aime essayer de nouveaux aliments.


Hallo. Ich heißt Heather. Ich wohne in Australien. Ich bin ein Lehrer. Ich lebe mit meinem Mann, meinem Sohn und meinem Hund. Sein Name ist Billy.  Er ist groß und schwarz. Ich gehe und rudere gerne. Ich liebe es zu lesen. Ich probiere gerne neue Lebensmittel aus.


Hola. Mi nombre es Heather. Vivo en Australia. Yo soy un profesor. Vivo con mi marido, mi hijo y mi perro. Su nombre es Billy. Es grande y negro. Me gusta caminar y remar. Amo leer. Me gusta probar nuevos alimentos.


Saluton, My nomo estas Heather. Mi loĝas en Aŭstralio. Mi estas instruisto. Mi loĝas kun mia edzo, mia filo kaj mia hundo. Lia nomo estas Billy.  Li estas granda kaj nigra. Mi ŝatas promeni kaj remi. Mi amas legi. Mi ŝatas provi novajn manĝaĵojn.


Salve. Nomen mihi est Heather. In Australia habito. Ego magistra. Vivo cum viro, filio et cane meo. Billy nomen est. Poodle est. Magnus est et niger. Mihi placet ambulare et remigare. legere amo. Mihi placet ry novos cibos.

Haitian Creole

Bonjou. Non mwen se Heather. Mwen ap viv nan Ostrali. Mwen se yon pwofesè. M ap viv ak mari m, pitit gason m ak chen m. Li rele Billy. Li se yon poodle. Li gwo e nwa. Mwen renmen mache ak rame. Mwen renmen li. Mwen renmen sere nouvo manje.


Buna ziua. Numele meu este Heather. Locuiesc in Australia. Eu sunt profesor. Locuiesc cu soțul meu, fiul meu și câinele meu. Numele lui este Billy. El este un pudel. El este mare și negru. Îmi place să merg și să vâslesc. Iubesc să citesc. Îmi place să încerc alimente noi.


Hallo. Jeg heter Heather. Jeg bor i Australia. Jeg er en lærer. Jeg bor sammen med mannen min, sønnen min og hunden min. Han heter Billy. Han er en puddel. Han er stor og svart. Jeg liker å gå og ro. Jeg elsker å lese. Jeg liker å rye ny mat.


Hallo. Mijn naam is Heather. Ik woon in Australië. Ik ben een leraar. Ik woon samen met mijn man, mijn zoon en mijn hond. Zijn naam is Billy. Hij is een poedel. Hij is groot en zwart. Ik wandel en roei graag. Ik hou van lezen. Ik vind het leuk om nieuwe gerechten te proberen.


Hej. Mit navn er Heather. Jeg bor i Australien. Jeg er lærer. Jeg bor sammen med min mand, min søn og min hund. Han hedder Billy. Han er en puddel. Han er stor og sort. Jeg kan godt lide at gå og ro. Jeg elsker at læse. Jeg kan godt lide at ryge nye fødevarer.


Hei. Nimeni on Heather. Asun Australiassa. Olen opettaja. Asun mieheni, poikani ja koirani kanssa. Hänen nimensä on Billy. Hän on villakoira. Hän on iso ja musta. Tykkään kävellä ja soutaa. Rakastan lukemista. Tykkään maistella uusia ruokia.


Helo. Fy enw i yw Heather. Dw i'n byw yn Awstralia. Athro ydw i. Rwy'n byw gyda fy ngŵr, fy mab a fy nghi. Ei enw yw Billy. Mae e'n bwdl. Mae e'n fawr ac yn ddu. Rwy'n hoffi cerdded a rhwyfo. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn darllen. Rwy'n hoffi rhygnu bwydydd newydd.


Dia dhuit. Heather is ainm dom. Tá mé i mo chónaí san Astráil. Is múinteoir mé. Cónaím le m’fhear céile, mo mhac agus mo mhadra. Billy is ainm dó. Is poodle é. Tá sé mór agus dubh. Is maith liom siúl agus rámhaíocht. Is breá liom a léamh. Is maith liom bianna nua a rying.

Scottish Gaelic

Halò. 'S e Heather an t-ainm a th' orm. Tha mi a fuireach ann an Astràilia. 'S e tidsear a th' annam. Tha mi a’ fuireach còmhla ris an duine agam, mo mhac agus mo chù. ’S e Billy an t-ainm a th’ air. 'S e poodle a th' ann. Tha e mòr agus dubh. Is toil leam a bhith a’ coiseachd agus ag iomradh. Is toil leam a bhith a’ leughadh. Is toil leam a bhith a’ ruith biadhan ùra.

Bahasa Indonesia

Halo. Nama saya Heather. Saya tinggal di Australia. Saya seorang guru. Saya tinggal bersama suami saya, putra saya dan anjing saya. Namanya Billy. Dia adalah pudel. Dia besar dan hitam. Saya suka berjalan dan mendayung. Saya suka membaca. Saya suka mencoba makanan baru.


Xin chào. Tôi tên là Heather. Tôi sông ở Uc. Tôi là một giáo viên. Tôi sống với chồng, con trai và con chó của tôi. Tên anh ấy là Billy. Anh ấy là một con chó xù. Anh ấy to và đen. Tôi thích đi bộ và chèo thuyền. Tôi thích đọc. Tôi thích thử những món ăn mới.


Aloha. ʻO Heather koʻu inoa. Noho au ma Australia. He kumu au. Noho au me kaʻu kāne, kaʻu keiki a me kaʻu ʻīlio. ʻO Billy kona inoa. He poodle ʻo ia. Nui a ʻeleʻele. Makemake au i ka hele wāwae a me ka hoe. Aloha au i ka heluhelu. Makemake au e ʻai i nā meaʻai hou.


Sawubona. Igama lami nginguHeather. Ngihlala e-Australia. Nginguthisha. Ngihlala nomyeni wami, indodana yami kanye nenja yami. Igama lakhe nguBilly. Uyi-poodle. Mkhulu futhi omnyama. Ngithanda ukuhamba nokugwedla. Ngiyakuthanda ukufunda. Ngithanda ukudla ukudla okusha.

Can you follow what I am writing? I mention my name, the country I live in, my family, my pet and my hobbies. Please COMMENT what you understand in one of my journal entries.


Want to follow my learning log? 
Blogger; I have people viewing my posts from more than 10 countries. Each milestone is exciting to think that I am helping some other people even if they are strangers to me.
Want to study quietly along with me?
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I love getting snail mail that isn't a bill. Travel for the rpcie of a stamp without the exccess baggage and jetlag. This is my postcrossing profile which shows of the postcards I have recevied so far

Want top languages app Duolingo with unlimited hearts?
Duolingo Classroom "Language Club for Beginners: (FREE student access see link: (settings in Duolingo app, then type last few letters of code)

Duolingo Progress including milestones in Indonesian & Swedish

    I am consolidating Latin and have finished another Unit in Swedish and Indonesian.

Can you recognise any words that I learned?

I have finished Unit 14 out of 44(32% of the Duolingo course) in Indonesian: talk about your body, an nouns. I have met 58% of the Indonsian words in the course.

I have finished Unit 19 out of 43 (44% of the Duolingo course)  in Swedish: talk about changes, discuss events. I have met ALL of the Swedish words in the course.

Can you translate any of these words to English or your target language?

I am interested Swedish language because of the food.  I love going to the IKEA department store when visit the capital city 400 km from where I live and checking out their little food market as well.

    Hon har träffat en underbar ny man
Part of speechTranslation
English - She has met a wonderful new man.

 Reflection: ny means new.  It sounds like a lot of other langauges word for new. nuovo in Italian, neveau in French.

   Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - new German - Neu Danish - ny Dutch - nieuwe Swedish- ny Norwegian - ny Yiddish -נייַ nay Italiano - nuovo  Francais -nouvelle Romanian-nou Haitian Creole - nouvo Esperanto - nova Latin-novus Welsh - newydd Irish - nua Scottish Gaelic - ùr Zulu - okusha Hawaiian - hou Swahili-mpya Maori hou Czech - Nový Hungarian-új Polish-Nowy Ukranian-новий Turkish Turk-yeni Indonesian baru 
Japanese-新着 Shinchaku Korean -새로운 saeloun Hindi -नया naya Vietnamese- Mới Greek- νέος
Russian новый novyy

***Do you LIKE my work? But not ready to comment as a beginner.  Please ANSWER a quick 4 questions mulitple choice survey. It will inform me about my audience and their interests :-)

***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

***If you want to see my future blog spots, please FOLLOW this blog.


Want to follow my learning log? 

Blogger; Want to study quietly along with me?

Youtube: Erica Jane B   ASMR study with me (no music)

Want to join over 500 learners?

Join our Facebook Group: Language Club for Beginners

Want Duolingo with unlimited hearts?

Duolingo Classroom "Language Club for Beginners: (FREE student access see link: (settings in Duolingo app, then type last few letters of code)

Nov 20, 2022

LingQ App - Review


I have been a Duolingo fan for 10 years.  It is exciting when I find another language app that is comparable to Duolingo.

* content is FREE to all,
*14 languages Spanish, German, French, English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese & Italian 10 more in beta development
*read & listen to many texts and import your own
*spaced repetition of words
*tracks your learning vocabulary and marks new words in blue (press for dictionary translation)
*80+ languages in many topics
* includes 1000s of hours of audio
*push yourself with challenges ie 1000 words or 90 days
*import content from anywhere ie books, posts, news etc

* there is a subscription 
* a little chunky/ clunky in appearance so could be improved in an update
*not sure how much easier the web version is to the app
*not sure how easy it is to install the necessary apps to import on the web version. might be harder on ym my mac.


Polygloss App -Review

I have been a Duolingo fav for 10 years.  It is exciting when I find another language app that is comparable to Duolingo.

* content is FREE to all, or a subscription for extra features
*bright colourful images
*create your own captions for their images, encourages creativity & humour
*increase your active learning vocabulary
*80+ languages in many topics
* includes some audio
*make language learning friends
*best for A2-B2 learners who have a foundation working vocabulary
*give  award points other learners for their writing & creatvitiy
*receive awards points for your writing & helping others learn

* there is a subscription if you want to access the game more often and not wait a while to get more energy points &/or replies
*nervously waiting for your reply, you may want to write a few sentences to someone else while you wait


Haitian Creole Writing Challenge

 In a writing challenge, I take a sentence from a recent Duolingo lesson.

Then, I challenge myself to see what I can actively learn by creating some new sentences of my own.

Haitian Creole:  Nou gen yon soulye

English: We have a shoe

Reflection: There is one word for each word in English.
Verb (by pronouns)

tense: present


Noun (by number singular vs plural)
Haitian Creole yon soulye (singular)
English  shoe
Haitian Creole  soulye (plural)
English shoes

Haitian Creole yon plim (singular)
English a pen
Haitian Creole plim (plural)
English pens 

Vocabulary (other topical vocab)
Haitian Creole gwo
English big
Haitian Creole ti
English small

Challenge created 10 sentences
Underlined = extension vocab
Nou gen yon soulye
Nou gen yon gwo soulye
Nou gen yon ti soulye
M gen yon gwo soulye
W gen yon ti soulye
I gen yon gwo plim
Y gen yon ti plim
Nou gen yon gwo plim
M gen yon ti plim
W gen yon gwo plim

Not ready to join in writing? Please COMMENT your target langauge and where you are from.
Beginner? Please COMMENT a word or two in your target language.
Intermediate? Please COMMENT a sentence in your target language.


Want to follow my learning log? 

Blogger; Want to study quietly along with me?

Youtube: Erica Jane B   ASMR study with me (no music)

Want to join over 500 learners?

Join our Facebook Group: Language Club for Beginners

Want Duolingo with unlimited hearts?

Duolingo Classroom "Language Club for Beginners: (FREE student access see link: (settings in Duolingo app, then type last few letters of code)

Duolingo Progress with a Spotlight on Brazilian Portuguese

   I am making progress with Hungarian and Haitian Creole witth a higher accuracy in Brazilian Portuguese,

Can you recognise any words that I learned?

Can you translate any of these words to English or your target language?

I am interested in Brazilian Portuguese because it has such a large number of speakers.  It is similar to Italian and now Spanish that I have been self learning.  But it is further removed form Italian than Spanish in the Romance languages family.

    Eu tenho esperado por it.
Part of speechTranslation
English - I have been waiting for you.

 Reflection: Have been is one word in Brazilian Portuguese "tenho".  "Esperado" makes me think of desperate like waiting desparately.

   Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - wait German - Warten Danish - vente Dutch - wacht Swedish- vänta Norwegian - vente Yiddish -וואַרטן vartn Italiano - aspettare  Francais -attendez Romanian-aștepta Haitian Creole - tann Esperanto - atendu Latin-manere Welsh - aros Irish - fan Scottish Gaelic - fanaibh Zulu - linda Hawaiian - kali Swahili-subiri Czech - Počkejte Hungarian-várjon Polish-czekać Ukranian-чекати chekaty Turkish Turk-Bekle Indonesian tunggu Japanese-待つMatsu Korean -기다리다 gidalida Hindi -रुको ruko Vietnamese- Chờ đã Greek- Περίμενε Perímene Russian ждать zhdat'

***Do you LIKE my work? But not ready to comment as a beginner.  Please ANSWER a quick 4 questions mulitple choice survey. It will inform me about my audience and their interests :-)

***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

***If you want to see my future blog spots, please FOLLOW this blog.

Nov 19, 2022

Duolingo Progress with spotlight on Norwegian

  I am making progress with Ukrainian, Norwegian, and Finnish with a higher accuracy in Korean

Can you recognise any words that I learned?

Can you translate any of these words to English or your target language?

 My grandmother's grandfather was Norwegian and he migrated to Australia.  I first tried to learn when my cousins came over from Norway, but found Duolingo as an adult much more accessible to go step by step.  My kind relative tried to show me the alphabet which was really interesting as a ten year old.  But there was no other resources available for self-learning once she left.

    Katten spiser musen,
Part of speechTranslation
English - The cat ate the mouse.

 Reflection: Katten and musen both show how both the noun and the definite article are combined into one word. In my experience verbs in Norwegian are not conjugated.  But I also wonder if they show tense and if not how is it indicated to the listener or reader.

   Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - mouse German - Maus Danish - mus Dutch - muis Swedish- mus Norwegian - mus Yiddish -מויז moyz Italiano - topo  Francais - Souris Romanian-mouse Haitian Creole - sourit Esperanto - muso Latin-mus Welsh - llygoden Irish - luchóg Scottish Gaelic - luchag Zulu - igundane Hawaiian - iole Swahili-panya Czech - myš Hungarian-egér Polish-mysz Ukranian-миша mysha Turkidh Turk-fare Indonesian mouse Japanese-ねずみ Nezumi Korean -생쥐 saengjwi Hindi -चूहा chooha Vietnamese- con chuột Greek- ποντίκι pontíki Russian мышь mysh'

***Do you LIKE my work? But not ready to comment as a beginner.  Please ANSWER a quick 4 questions mulitple choice survey. It will inform me about my audience and their interests :-)

***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

***If you want to see my future blog spots, please FOLLOW this blog.

Welsh Writing Challenge

 In a writing challenge, I take a sentence from a recent Duolingo lesson.

Then, I challenge myself to see what I can actively learn by creating some new sentences of my own.

Welsh:  Rwy'n nofio yn y pwll

English: I swim in the pool

Reflection: Notice each each word in a separate words.   Cats has an articulated noun (th+cats as one word). So, the suffix, is the -ending on the end of kissa.

Verb (by pronouns)

tense: present

Sg.1nofiaf           I swim
Sg.2nofi              you swim
Sg.3nawfnofia  s/he swims
Pl.1nofiwn          we swim
Pl.2nofiwch        you all swim
Pl.3nofiant         they swim

Noun (by number singular vs plural)
Welsh pwell
English the pool 
Welsh  pyllau
English the pools

Welsh môr
English sea
Welsh moroedd
English seas

Vocabulary (other topical vocab)
Welsh cefnforoedd
English oceans

Challenge created 10 sentences
Underlined = extension vocab
Rwy'n nofio yn y pwll

Rwy'n nofio yn y pwll

Rydych chi'n nofio yn y pwll

Mae'n nofio yn y pwll

Mae hi'n nofio yn y pwll

Rydym yn nofio yn y pwll

Rydych chi i gyd yn nofio yn y pwll

Maent yn nofio yn y pwll

Rwy'n nofio yn y môri 

Rydym yn nofio yn y cefnfor

Maent yn nofio yn y cefnfor

Translation results

Not ready to join in writing? Please COMMENT your target langauge and where you are from.
Beginner? Please COMMENT a word or two in your target language.
Intermediate? Can COMMENT a sentence in your target language.

Finnish Writing Challenge

In a writing challenge, I take a sentence from a recent Duolingo lesson.

Then, I challenge myself to see what I can actively learn by creating some new sentences of my own.

Finnish:  Kissat tanssivat tangoa.

English: The

Reflection: Notice each underlines section is two words in English, but only one in Finnish.   Cats has an articulated noun (the+cats as one word). So, the suffix, is the -t ending on the end of kissa.

Verb (by pronouns)

tense: present active

minätanssin             I dance
sinätanssit             you dance
häntanssii             he dances
metanssimme     we dance
tetanssitte         you all dance
hetanssivat         they dance

Noun (by number singular vs plural)
Finnish kissa (singular)
English the cat 
Finnish  kissat (plural)
English the cats

Finnish koira (singular)
English the dog 
Finnish koirat (plural)
English the dogs 

Vocabulary (other topical vocab)
Finnish tangoa
English the tango
Finnish salsaa
English the salsa

Challenge created 10 sentences
Underlined = extension vocab
Kissat tanssivat tangoa.
Kissa tanssii tangoa.
Koirat tanssivat tangoa.
Koira tanssii salsaa.
Minä tanssin tangoa.
Sinä tanssit tangoa.
Hän tansii tangoa.
Me tanssimme salsa.
Te tanssitte salsa.
He tanssivat salsa.

Not ready to join in writing? Please COMMENT your target langauge and where you are from.
Beginner? Please COMMENT a word or two in your target language.
Intermediate? Can COMMENT a sentence in your target language.