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Nov 20, 2022

Duolingo Progress with a Spotlight on Brazilian Portuguese

   I am making progress with Hungarian and Haitian Creole witth a higher accuracy in Brazilian Portuguese,

Can you recognise any words that I learned?

Can you translate any of these words to English or your target language?

I am interested in Brazilian Portuguese because it has such a large number of speakers.  It is similar to Italian and now Spanish that I have been self learning.  But it is further removed form Italian than Spanish in the Romance languages family.

    Eu tenho esperado por it.
Part of speechTranslation
English - I have been waiting for you.

 Reflection: Have been is one word in Brazilian Portuguese "tenho".  "Esperado" makes me think of desperate like waiting desparately.

   Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - wait German - Warten Danish - vente Dutch - wacht Swedish- vänta Norwegian - vente Yiddish -וואַרטן vartn Italiano - aspettare  Francais -attendez Romanian-aștepta Haitian Creole - tann Esperanto - atendu Latin-manere Welsh - aros Irish - fan Scottish Gaelic - fanaibh Zulu - linda Hawaiian - kali Swahili-subiri Czech - Počkejte Hungarian-várjon Polish-czekać Ukranian-чекати chekaty Turkish Turk-Bekle Indonesian tunggu Japanese-待つMatsu Korean -기다리다 gidalida Hindi -रुको ruko Vietnamese- Chờ đã Greek- Περίμενε Perímene Russian ждать zhdat'

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***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

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