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Nov 6, 2022

Duolingo Progress with Greek and Russian

  Spotlight on Greek

English - The carrot with water.
 Reflection: I have completed 8 lessons  "karoto" see how it is written in Greek properly below. is an unofficial statistics page run by volunteers where you can check your progress. see above.

Using the old Duolingo stats they used more in the first 10 years, I have already earned 10/570 crowns ( about 1%) , and completed 16/452 (about 10%)  lessons. Lexemes which equate to word parts (smaller than words as some languages also require knowledge of particles) I have completed 102 out of 3196. (not yet 10%) 

  Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - carrot German - Karotte Danish - gulerod Dutch - wortel Swedish- morot Norwegian - gulrot Italiano - carota  Francais - carotte Romanian-morcov Haitian Creole - kawòt Esperanto - karoto Latin-carota Welsh - moron Irish - cairéad Scottish Gaelic - curran Zulu - isaqathe Hawaiian - kāloti Swahili-karoti Czech - mrkev Hungarian-sárgarépa Polish-marchewka Turk-havuç Indonesian wortel Japanese-にんじん Ninjin Korean -당근 dang-geun Hindi - गाजर gaajar Yiddish - מער mer Ukranian-морква morkva Vietnamese- củ cà rốt Greek- καρότο karóto Russian морковь morkov'

   Spotlight on Russian

English - hello (I bow to you)

 Reflection: I have completed 8 lessons. Mama measn mamma like it does in several languages :-)

Using the old Duolingo stats they used more in the first 10 years, I have already earned 7/474 crowns ( about 1%) , and completed 13/350 (about 10%)  lessons. Lexemes which equate to word parts (smaller than words as some langauges also require knowledge of particles) I have completed 87 out of 2297. (not yet 10%) 

    Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - hello German - Guten Tag Danish - Hej Dutch - Hallo Swedish- Hallå Norwegian - Hallo Italiano - ciao  Francais - salut Romanian-Buna ziua Haitian Creole - bonjou Esperanto - saluton Latin-Salve Welsh - helo Irish - Dia dhuit Scottish Gaelic - halò Zulu - Sawubona Hawaiian - aloha Swahili-mia Czech - ahoy Hungarian-Szia Polish-Witam Turk-merhaba Indonesian halo Japanese-こんにちは Kon'nichiwa Korean -안녕하세요 annyeonghaseyo Hindi - नमस्ते namaste Yiddish - העלא hela Ukranian-привіт pryvit Vietnamese- xin chào Greek- Χαίρετε Chaírete Russian привет privet

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***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

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1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to look at some of the less commonly known languages (at least to some English speakers)
    *Romanian-Buna ziua
    *Irish - Dia dhuit
    *Zulu - Sawubona
