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Nov 20, 2022

Haitian Creole Writing Challenge

 In a writing challenge, I take a sentence from a recent Duolingo lesson.

Then, I challenge myself to see what I can actively learn by creating some new sentences of my own.

Haitian Creole:  Nou gen yon soulye

English: We have a shoe

Reflection: There is one word for each word in English.
Verb (by pronouns)

tense: present


Noun (by number singular vs plural)
Haitian Creole yon soulye (singular)
English  shoe
Haitian Creole  soulye (plural)
English shoes

Haitian Creole yon plim (singular)
English a pen
Haitian Creole plim (plural)
English pens 

Vocabulary (other topical vocab)
Haitian Creole gwo
English big
Haitian Creole ti
English small

Challenge created 10 sentences
Underlined = extension vocab
Nou gen yon soulye
Nou gen yon gwo soulye
Nou gen yon ti soulye
M gen yon gwo soulye
W gen yon ti soulye
I gen yon gwo plim
Y gen yon ti plim
Nou gen yon gwo plim
M gen yon ti plim
W gen yon gwo plim

Not ready to join in writing? Please COMMENT your target langauge and where you are from.
Beginner? Please COMMENT a word or two in your target language.
Intermediate? Please COMMENT a sentence in your target language.


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