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Nov 18, 2022

Duolingo Progress with Spotlight on German

 I am making progress with Dutch, Italian, Zulu, Yiddish, German, Welsh, Chinese, Navajo

Can you recognise any words that I learned?

Can you translate any of these words to English or your target language?

I first learned German in early high school.  I enjoyed the run of the words and the way longer words are made. I struggle with the gender of nouns and the verb cases like dative.

    Weihnachten ist wunderbar
Part of speechTranslation
English - Christmas is wonderful

 Reflection: I love that wunderbar has the word wonder in it.  It reminds me that English is in fact a Germanic language when it doesn't feel very close it it sometimes.  I find lots of similar words in Romance languages likes Italian and French.

   Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - wonderful German - Weihnachten Danish - jul Dutch - Kerstmis Swedish- Jul Norwegian - jul Yiddish - ניטל nitl Italiano - natale  Francais - Noël Romanian-tu Haitian Creole - Nwèl Esperanto - Kristnasko Latin-Nativitatis Welsh - Nadolig Irish - Nollag Scottish Gaelic - Nollaig Zulu - Ukhisimusi Hawaiian - Kalikimaka Swahili-Krismasi Czech - Vánoce Hungarian-Karácsony Polish-Boże Narodzenie Ukranian-Різдво Rizdvo Turk-Noel Indonesian Natal Japanese-クリスマス Kurisumasu Korean -크리스마스 keuliseumaseu Hindi -क्रिसमस krisamas Vietnamese- Giáng sinh Greek- Χριστούγεννα Christoúgenna Russian Рождество Rozhdestvo

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***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

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