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Nov 19, 2022

World Walking November 2022


This moth Ihave ben walking across Italy.  On the World Walking app, I can log my daily steps to walk virtually across many walks around the world.  I love it because in this pandemic it may be harder to travel but I can still experience the world from home. I am 33% into a 450 km journey. More famous cities may be Venice and Bologna. I am enjoying that if I hit the "eye' button I can see Google Street view when I am up to on my walk. I have travelled to this part of the world when I was 19 years. I was lucky enough to see Venice, Bologna and Verona when I worked in Gambugliano (near Vicenza).

For those interested, you even see a little bio on the monuments along the way.  It is almost like seeing it and being there in person.

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