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Nov 22, 2022

Duolingo Progress including milestones in Indonesian & Swedish

    I am consolidating Latin and have finished another Unit in Swedish and Indonesian.

Can you recognise any words that I learned?

I have finished Unit 14 out of 44(32% of the Duolingo course) in Indonesian: talk about your body, an nouns. I have met 58% of the Indonsian words in the course.

I have finished Unit 19 out of 43 (44% of the Duolingo course)  in Swedish: talk about changes, discuss events. I have met ALL of the Swedish words in the course.

Can you translate any of these words to English or your target language?

I am interested Swedish language because of the food.  I love going to the IKEA department store when visit the capital city 400 km from where I live and checking out their little food market as well.

    Hon har träffat en underbar ny man
Part of speechTranslation
English - She has met a wonderful new man.

 Reflection: ny means new.  It sounds like a lot of other langauges word for new. nuovo in Italian, neveau in French.

   Vocabulary comparison across languages: 
English - new German - Neu Danish - ny Dutch - nieuwe Swedish- ny Norwegian - ny Yiddish -נייַ nay Italiano - nuovo  Francais -nouvelle Romanian-nou Haitian Creole - nouvo Esperanto - nova Latin-novus Welsh - newydd Irish - nua Scottish Gaelic - ùr Zulu - okusha Hawaiian - hou Swahili-mpya Maori hou Czech - Nový Hungarian-új Polish-Nowy Ukranian-новий Turkish Turk-yeni Indonesian baru 
Japanese-新着 Shinchaku Korean -새로운 saeloun Hindi -नया naya Vietnamese- Mới Greek- νέος
Russian новый novyy

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***I would love some discussion in the comments comments. Is your target language (the language you are learning as a foreigner) similiar to another language in this comparative list? Please comment any similarities or differences you notice?

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