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Aug 6, 2022

Italian Language Hacking with Benny Lewis - Review

Language Hacking Italian - Review

 Description: 238 pages, textbook with some blue formatting and some black and white illustrations

Includes 10 chapters

  • to learn by speaking right away
  • embrace your mistakes
  • master power phrases
  • 20%of the work for 80% of the results

Sample sentence inside;

   Parlo solo inglese e un po' di italiano. (I speak only English and a little Italian)


  • www.teachyourself/language hacking to submit missions and download audio with transcripts
  • explain word genders and word endings
  • each chapter sets you up for your next Italian hacking mission ie intro yourself, ask about someone else
  • model conversations with frequent phrases and a limited vocabulary
  • normal font size
  • pronunciation guide
  • answers to chapter exercises in index


  • not pocket size but text book size
  • no index of vocabulary to find page number

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