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Aug 4, 2022

Postcrossing - Review

  • get snail mail that is not a bill :-)
  • make pen friends overseas
  • Free to join group & stamp is cheaper than airline ticket or excess baggage
  • travel virtually with no jet lag
  • waiting for a few weeks for return postcard from another postcrosser
  • postcards often come from the top 4 that have more members ie Finland, Germany, USA and The Netherlands
 I have been a member collecting postcards since 2008. I love sending off a handful of postcards then checking the mailbox to find a few weeks later snail mail instead of just bills.  It is a community that joins the internet with old fashioned mail in the mailbox.

  • cheaper to buy postcard with postage included
  • try writing a postcard in a foreign language introducing yourself
  • collect postcards from more countries the more you send postcards
  • try buying postcards with scenic views, food or animals from your country.

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