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Aug 19, 2022

Italian Learning Log - gender agreement


Rule: Italian often matches nouns and adjectives in gender and number. L'architetto (singular masculine) is singular masculine like l'uomo (the man - singular & masculine). La camicia (singular feminine) must match with the same category colour bianca (white).  If the clothing was masculine, the colour white would be bianco (singular masculine)

    Italian  -L'architetto é l'uomo con la camicia bianca.
(The architect (1 word) is the man (one word) with the shirt white.

    English - The architect the man with the white shirt.

Reflection: However, there is not always a word for each gender. Some occupations have a female and a male word equivalent Lo scrittore is the writer.  La scrittrice is for a female writer. NB: the colours viola and rosa do not have a singular masuline form violo roso.


Extension: can you change this sentence? Comment with your sentence below.

My sentence:
Italian. L'insegnatore é la donna con la camicia nera.
English: The teacher is the woman with the black shirt.

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