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Aug 14, 2022

Welsh, Italian Learning Log - vocab ideas


Tip: Pick up a range of colours of paint swatches from the hardware store.

* record colours of 2 target languages with your mother tongue you are learning as flash cards
*record superlative adjectives
    ie small, smaller, smallest 
    then write the others as big, long, loud, soft, thin, fat across the three squares on one colour swatch.

Welsh / English / Italian colours
  • coch - red - rosso/a
  • oren - orange - arancione.
  • melyn - yellow - giallo/a.
  • gwyrdd - green - verde.
  • glas - blue - blu.
  • fioled - Violet - viola.
  • pinc - pink - rosa.

What other ideas can you think of for memorising new vocabulary with these colourful flash cards?


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